Machado, one of today’s foremost medical. Frank Netter, you’ll also find nearly 100 paintings by Dr. In addition to the famous work of Dr. The only anatomy atlas illustrated by physicians, Atlas of Human Anatomy, 7th edition, brings you world-renowned, exquisitely clear views of the human body with a clinical perspective.
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The aim of this study was to test the usability of the VR anatomy atlas and to measure differences in knowledge acquirement between an immersive content delivery medium and conventional learning (OB). 3Department of Computer Science, Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, University of Bremen, Bremen, GermanyWe developed a prototype of a virtual, immersive, and interactive anatomy atlas for surgical anatomical training. 2Friedrich – Harkort Schule, Städtisches Gymnasium Herdecke, Dortmund, Germany 3D Model available on Turbo Squid, the worlds leading provider of digital 3D models for visualization, films, television, and games.
The subjective survey on the learning methods showed a significantly better satisfaction for VR ( p = 0.012). There was a significant difference between the students of the two schools based on a longer processing time in the OB condition in School B (mean OB in School A: 158 s OB in School B: 77 s). Twice as high as for the VR group (mean value OB: 98 s, range: 2–410 s VR: 50 s, 1–290 s).
This seems to indicate that the VR environment in the sense of constructivist learning might be a more intuitive and effective way to acquire knowledge than from books.Using digital media for learning purposes is a much more discussed field of research than one might suspect. With the OB method, orientation difficulties and/or the technical effort in the handling of the topographical anatomy atlas seem to lead to a significantly longer response time, especially if the students are not specially trained in literature research in books or texts. The immersive anatomy atlas helped to actively and intuitively perform targeted actions that led to correct answers in a shorter amount of time, even without prior knowledge of VR and anatomy.
The discussion of the use of serious games in school has become increasingly intense in recent years because a playful environment is assumed to have a higher motivation potential for learning ( 6– 11). The fields of application of serious games are manifold and they are already used in the military or for further training in companies ( 5). The number of publications has increased exponentially since then and is currently in a consolidation phase ( 4). The serious game research began in the early 90s. The growing interest of researchers, educators, parents, players, and game developers has led to the development of so-called “serious games” and thus prepared the ground for digital game-based learning. The development is driven by the hope to learn more easily and effectively.
Practical actions, on the other hand, are active learning processes and already lead to a correct reproduction of what has been learned in 75% of all cases (Figure 1).Against the background of practical actions, virtual worlds open up new possibilities to support learning processes more strongly through active interactions such as moving things, acting and being able to more strongly involve in the subject matter. On the basis of the learning pyramid, which is established in the community advocating constructivist learning, it is therefore assumed that only an average of 10% of what is read is remembered, since reading is a passive learning process. Neubert et al.'s approach claims that every learner learns on the basis of his own “experience,” and additionally adds his own values, beliefs, patterns, and previous experiences to the new information. Learning is influenced by sensory, neuronal, cognitive, and social processes. In addition, a meta-analysis shows a high learning efficiency with VR in higher education ( 14).This could for instance be explained by the constructivist view of learning, which claims that human experience and learning are subject to certain construction processes ( 15– 18).
Individual organs can be manipulated via bi-manual controllers. A virtual dummy with precise human anatomy is placed on the operating table, ready to be inspected (Figure 2). The user is placed in a virtual operating room with realistic lighting and medical equipment. Materials and Methods Immersive Anatomy AtlasBy wearing a headset with integrated screens for each eye, special lenses and software to bend the image, the all-round view of a virtual reality is simulated. As a measure for the usability and ease of handling of both learning tools, we determined the error rate for 10 questions posed to each student, in addition to the duration for answering correctly.
This increases the intuitiveness when interacting with the virtual environment. Additionally, a context menu allows switching the controller-assigned actions, for left-handed people, as well as resetting the whole scene, including organ arrangement.The grabbing action uses a specially designed collision detection algorithm that only allows grabbing of structures that are reachable from the outside. Each organ will snap back to its original pose when it is within a translational and rotational threshold of said pose. The left controller can be used to hide nearby anatomical structures. For anatomical structures that are currently held in the hand, further information can be called up.
Lectures by students are regularly delivered as power-point lectures, which are then shared at school via smartphone and projector. In high school A, students typically receive what is known as “smart” teaching geared toward utilization of digital media. Also, these two schools follow different teaching approaches, which allowed us to consider the effect of an immersive teaching method within different teaching contexts.The eleventh-graders of the two high schools are normally introduced to new respective topics by different learning methods. We chose those two schools in order to draw a larger number of participants. Learning Environment in the Two High SchoolsWe conducted our study in collaboration with two high schools (“school A” and “school B”). There is also a video of the latest version, which has some additional features for manipulating the anatomical dummy ( ).
Therefore, we conducted the experiment with high school students to avoid bias due to heterogenous knowledge. Visual media are used more cautiously in high school B, but experimental investigations and a dialogue-based transfer of knowledge are promoted.Medical students show very differing levels of anatomical knowledge, whereas the high school students are more comparable since they had no specific knowledge of anatomy. In high school B, students are explicitly trained in research in books, texts, and online media. In addition, modern “whiteboards” and tablet PCs are permanently used as interactive teaching media in the classroom.